declutter your digital life

Digital Declutter

Clean Up Your Digital Space Easy Tips

Have you noticed that it is hard to find files when you open your computer? Perhaps you get distracted from your current task whenever you go online; if so, chances are you need to declutter your digital life. Getting rid of files, applications, and other extra programs can help you focus to become more efficient when you are online. To help you get started read this helpful list of tips to help you declutter your digital life.

What Is A Digital Declutter Life?

Digitally decluttering is basically an audit of your digital life online and removing those things that you don’t need. In addition, streamlining your online presence by backing everything up into a secure system. This is especially important if you notice that you spend more time doing non-productive things online instead of real work. Decluttering your online life will help you to craft an environment that is less tempting and more purposeful.

Get A Handle On Your Music

Streaming music is a great way to fill your library with your favourite new music that comes out. That being said, these same services can clutter your digital landscape more than you may even realize. The best way to keep them under control is by backing up your music to a single source, like documents. Try separating your music by your mood, which can help with your health & wellbeing long term. This will make it easier to find what you want when you are ready to play your jams. It also frees up space on your device for other things.

Deep Dive in Digital Files and Folder

Making a file or folder is easy, keeping it tidy is a bit more tedious. It is important to do an audit of your files regularly to ensure they are up to date, saved in the right place. Check your sync settings if you use them, consider setting up sync in specific folders to help get rid of clutter. That way, you can move important files to your sync folder for uploading into the cloud and delete at your leisure. This also applies to duplicate documents. Depending on how many files you have, this may be a long process, but try to delete older versions of files.

There are many other ways that could help remove clutter thru further online education.