Why Networking is a Must

Why Networking is a Must for Building an Audience

Let’s be honest: most of us are not very friendly. Many of us will have been attracted to the idea of working online because we thought it would mean we didn’t need colleagues or business partners. Instead, we could throw on a set of headphones and type away from a café.
But here’s the thing: success in any business is often partly down to who you know. If you reach out to the right people and make meaningful, valuable connections, then this can change your fortunes for the better in a genuinely colossal way.
In this post, we’ll see why networking is a must for building your audience and how you can do it.

A Case Study

Consider the case of Jack Septiceye. No, that’s not his real name… The point is that this guy was a YouTube ‘Let’s Player’ who had been posting videos for years. Significantly, very slowly, he grew an audience of around 2,000, meaning that after years of regularly posting content, he had about 100-300 views on each video, in Google Ad earnings, that is around .05 cents per month.
But then something unique happened – he got a shoutout from Pewdiepie (because he contacted him), who is the biggest YouTuber in history. Overnight, Jack became a sensation and quit his job and went full time.


Of course, the world of YouTube lets players is very different from the niche you’re in, most likely. But the same principles hold. If you can find a big audience on a related blog, website, or social media channel, they give a shoutout to you, which can transform your fortunes overnight.
Imagine if you got a link from someone like Tim Ferriss. The SEO benefits alone would be life-changing, let alone the incredible endorsement and all that direct traffic. So how do you get there?

Getting a Response

Getting the big players to answer is nigh impossible. The solution then is to start with the minor player: ideally those around the same size as your brand right now. With cross-promotional activities, you can then nearly double your followers and approach someone a tier up.
Other tips: network in person. Go to networking events and make a more significant impression.
And pester. If you don’t get a response right away, send one or two more after waiting a reasonable amount of time. Be polite!

 There are many other ways that could help with Building an Audience  thru further Affiliate Marketing.