Top 7 Ways To Promote Your Instagram Guides

When creating Instagram Guides, you may be wondering how best to promote them. As of the time of writing, there is no tab on Instagram dedicated to exploring Guides that have already been created (as there is with the Explore Page, Reels, and IGTV), although there is one planned for future release. Nevertheless, there is still an abundance of ways to promote your Guides to your audience.

The first and most obvious way to promote your Guide is to share your Guide in your Instagram story, and your audience will see and click through to your Guide. This is an excellent method for users who receive good engagement in their stories.
Add captions to your posts, in particular the recent ones that say something along the lines of “for information on this, check out my recent Guide.” Or “find posts like this in my Guide on the topic.” As the posts you include in your Guides link back to the post, your engagement on those posts will improve, too.

Create a highlight on your profile titled “information” or “Guides” and include all of your story posts with Guides. Alternatively, add your story posts promoting your Guides to other highlight reels on your profile if they are relevant. The more places you can include sneaky shoutouts to your content, the better.
If you include posts from other users, they may share your Guide to their stories, valuable promotions. This will allow your Guide to reach new audiences; they’re not necessarily following you already.

Ideally, you would like your audience to share your Guides in their stories, too, which means they need to be high quality, informative, and relevant to the content your audience shares.
Additionally, if you recommend products or places that you do not own, reach out to the people who do, and they may share your Guide on that story. This is an invaluable way of promotion.
However, the key to all these methods is posting at peak times. Post when your audience is online and engaging with your content. Do not be ashamed to promote your content, be bold and confident. If your content is good, it will receive organic shares eventually, but it may need a push to begin.

Top 8 Reasons You Should Use Guides On Instagram

When a new feature is released, many users struggle to understand why they should learn how to use it. Instagram Guides are no exception. There are many advantages to beginning to use new features; read on to discover why Guides could be the right choice for you.

One of the biggest reasons you should use Instagram Guides is that it is all about sharing information. Meaning you will seem to have authority on your topic, which will increase brand loyalty and trust.  

If you have already built up a loyal fanbase, being able to recommend products, posts, and places is a fantastic way for you to cement your position as a leader and an influencer. These are a great way to get brand opportunities or sponsorships.

Guides can also make way for partnerships. For example, you can partner with someone else who has a similar audience or similar brand and share each other’s posts and Guides, which facilitates a fantastic working relationship, authority and expands your target audience. You can never underestimate the power of having good relationships with your competition.

Guides are the best way to create collections of information in an easy-to-understand manner. Guides go beyond simply posting a post, and the word Guide itself suggests intellect, trust, and authority.      

Only posts shared to a feed can be included in a Guide. This, therefore, means that including posts in a Guide could rejuvenate and encourage exposure to specific posts.

Sharing posts from other users and creating compilations on a specific topic or theme is a great way to insert yourself into a market in the industry. It can show that you are relevant and set trends.

Additionally, it is also a feature that not everyone is using, which means you have the opportunity to get ahead of the curve and create Guides that are creative and unique without as much competition as there are in other areas.

It is also worth noting that Instagram often rewards users for using its new features, meaning that the algorithms could work in your favor, and your content could be pushed to more users.

To conclude, using Guides could be the best decision you make for your business and your brand. There are many reasons, but, ultimately, you need to see the advantages of including such content in your strategy.

Top Tips For Creating An Instagram Guide

When first starting Instagram Guides, it can seem like a challenge to know what kind of Guides you should post. The purpose of Instagram Guides is often to expand on posts that are already on your feed, products you are selling or recommend, and places you want your audiences to know. This Guide will give you some quick tips for creating practical Instagram Guides.

Use your expertise.

The first tip is to create Guides on things that you are an expert on. Your Guide should remain on brand and in line with your business goals. There is no use in creating random Guides just for its sake, and the key is to stay on brand!

Use other people’s posts.

This is a great way to increase the amount of content in your Guides without creating it yourself. You should, of course, request permission, but the expert opinion of others is a great way to supplement your content.

Promote your Guides.

It is straightforward to share your Guides on your story, and you should do so when most of your audience is online.

An inherent feature of Guides is self-promotion. The posts you include in your Guides will link back to your profile, and users will find it very easy to find read and engage your posts. This is a great way to boost the popularity of your posts without–having to reshare them to your feed.  


Guides are a great way for audiences to find all your posts on a single topic in one place. This means they will not have to scroll through your feed to find information on particular things. If you have created a Guide, it will be easy to see in the Guide tab and a fantastic collection of all of these posts.

Story highlights

Create an information highlight on your profile and share your Guides’ story posts of your Guides–this is an easy way for your audience to access them.

To conclude, the most effective kind of Guide that you can create is one that your audience will engage with and benefit your business. Ensuring that your content remains on-brand, Guides have the power to increase your authority and influence within your given industry.  

Types Of Instagram Guides And How To Use Them Best

Instagram has introduced a new way for users to share information and recommendations: “Guides.” There are three main types of Instagram Guides: places, products, and posts, and they all have different uses and benefits. As with any new feature, experimentation will be essential, but it is necessary to understand the core elements of the quality first.

It is important to remember that you only have to share your posts. You can add posts that other users created. Doing this is a great way to build a community and show your place in the industry. By including your posts amongst other reputable posts, you make a stronger brand. Additionally, other creators may feel compelled to share Guides that they are included in, increasing your exposure.

To create a “place” Guide, you need to select a place with a tagged location on Instagram. It is a great way to share information about a business with a physical location, and you can explain and showcase different elements of your business.

Product Guides are a great way to draw attention to and discuss certain products. This kind of Guide only works with products that are located on Instagram. So, if you have an Instagram shop, this type of Guide is a fantastic way to explore and delve into particular products.

The post type of Guide is the most versatile and can, of course, be used to do, well, anything. You create lists of posts and add in your titles and descriptions, and the posts link from the Guide to your original feed post. You can create so many Guides with the post function and center them around any topic or concept.  

And finally, do not neglect including posts by other users. Taking advantage of user-generated content will build up positive connections with your audience and make your brand appear more reputable.

Thus, as you have seen, Instagram Guides are a simple concept with a massive range of possibilities. They are a fantastic way to recommend and promote different kinds of content.

Being as creative as possible is the best use of Instagram Guides. Almost by definition, Instagram Guides are a source of authority and information, meaning that you can build up brand power by sharing your knowledge.