The Best Ways to Grow Your YouTube Channel

When it comes to growing your YouTube channel, one crucial thing that you need to remember is not to waste your time trying to get someone to watch your videos which never watch YouTube. Instead, you need to focus your time and energy on those viewers who are already on YouTube. Here are some of the best ways to grow your YouTube channel and find success for your business.

Comment on Other Channels

Changes are incredibly slim that someone will happen to stumble on your freshly-created YouTube channel. If you want to get your name out and gain interest in your channel, you have to do some leg work. Search through YouTube and find channels similar to yours, and take some time to watch their videos and provide thoughtful comments on their channels. Other viewers and subscribers are more likely to click on your username to learn more about you.

Collaborate with Other YouTubers

If you want to grow your YouTube audience, one of the best ways is to collaborate with other YouTubers. Luckily you don’t have to live near each other to accomplish this. You can create clips and send them into WeTransfer to be combined into a virtual collaboration video. Collaborating with other YouTube channels is the best way to get your video in front of many subscribers.


Utilize the Description Box

The first two lines of your video description will appear in the search results for your video. This makes it extremely important to make sure that you utilize the description box and include relevant keywords and data about your video. The first line of the description needs to be about your video because YouTube decides if your video is relevant to the searched terms. However, make sure to include a link to your business website in the first couple of lines so that viewers can check out your business further.

Stick with a Thumbnail Theme

Avoid merely picking one of the three thumbnails that YouTube provides. Most of the time, they are incredibly blurry and incredibly unflattering. Your thumbnails are where you can get a little creative with your YouTube channel. So take some time to think about making your thumbnail pictures stand out.

If you want to grow your YouTube channel, you have to put in some effort and time. These four tips can help you get your YouTube up and running ahead of the competition.