“Love To Have Fun, Travel and Enjoy Life.
That is Why We Do What We Do.”
About Us
After 20 years of my own self-education & improvement, of accidentally finding books in-stores, podcasts, emails, and links that lead down countless rabbit holes of discovery for hours, days, and weeks…
I decided there must be a way to make it easier and safer to have one place to start the journey of self-education & improvement for others…
The Mission is to help people and businesses who want to transform their minds, body and business to learn more. If you didn’t already know, there is a knowledge revolution underway in the world today and self-education and continuous learning is a must.
Start your Knowledge revolution today.
I have been lucky enough to travel to a few overseas destinations, an looking forward to travel more once the world gets back on its feet. Always open to learning about many things. There are a few core values and passions which i spend more time than others;
These are our core values for the business:
Always be learning
Think outside the box
Listen more and talk less
Empathy & Time for others
Environmental awareness to have a world for our children and future generations
The 4 core areas we will specialise in to help liked mind people are:
Health & Wellbeing
Personal Development
On-Line Education
Affiliate Marketing