Have a new you by Friday

Have a New You by Friday


Have a new you by Friday

Here are the top ten lessons from the book:

1.     Accept the truth about yourself.

2.      Identify the lies you’re telling yourself.

3.      Put those lies to rest for good.

4.      Concentrate on becoming who you really want to be.

5.      Learn how to accept and love yourself despite your fallible self.

6.      Stand up and fight against the lies you have
believed about yourself.

7.      Discover your own unique personality.

8.      Learn how to be confident in your own skin.

9.      Learn how to be assertive without being aggressive.

10.  Learn how to be happy with who you are.

                                                               DR Kevin Leman

Summary – What is this book really all about:

“Have a New You by Friday” by Dr. Kevin Leman is a book that helps people accept themselves and boost their confidence in just five days.

The book is based on the idea that people can change their lives by concentrating on becoming who they really want to be.

What to know more about DR Kevin Leman –

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