Managing Overwhelming Feelings

There are plenty of times in your life where the stress and pressure of the situation will leave you feeling overwhelmed. This is not a reflection of not handling yourself but rather a normal reaction to being faced with unusual circumstances. If you are worried about taking yourself in these situations, our coping tips may come in handy.

Take A Step Back

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, you should take a moment to step away from whatever is triggering those feelings. Be it work, personal life, or even your family, taking a step back can help reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. Many people may say maintaining a system that increases negative emotions can have lasting mental health consequences.

Learn To Say No

If many people depend on you, it can be hard to let them down. However, it is essential to create boundaries and stick to them to prevent getting overwhelmed. Learn to know when to say no and follow-through by saying it. Don’t let anyone guilt you into taking on more than you can handle, which may result in you getting overwhelmed.

Love Yourself

It is okay to have feelings of anxiety and get overwhelmed at times. Being overwhelmed is par for the course, on top of trying to live life as normally as possible. Giving yourself grace and loving yourself is essential in dealing with anxiety and stress. If needed, take a break or ask for more time to get things done. You may need to take time off to care for yourself in some cases. When you love yourself, the feelings that lead to being overwhelmed will automatically diminish.

Keep A Journal or Blog

Never underestimate the power of getting things down on paper. Sometimes simply writing out your feelings is enough to take back their control over you. You don’t even have to share your thoughts and writings with anyone; keep track of them for your mental health. You can go back and read over your triggers to help identify and deal with them in the future.

Managing The Feeling Of Being Overwhelmed Due To Covid-19 Induced Stress

There is so much going on in the world right now, much of it relating to the worldwide pandemic. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when there is so much uncertainty and suffering at every turn. Trying to manage a regular schedule amidst all the changes can often lead to high levels of anxiety, increased stress. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. It is essential to admit that things are hard and realize that you are not alone. This admission and our tips can help you deal with these complicated feelings in the future.

Accept That You May Have To Say No

No one can make everyone happy all the time or even half of the time. It is okay to tell people no, and you should make a habit. Of standing your ground. If you are overwhelmed already, accept that you may have to tell someone no when they ask you for additional help. People will only push you as far as you allow them, so set your boundaries and protect your mental health as a priority to keep from getting overwhelmed.

Take A Break From Everything

At times it is essential to get away from whatever is causing you to feel overwhelmed. Taking a break to be still and be quiet is often all you need to get rid of the feelings that make you upset. Even if you are in an active role, if you are feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to yourself to regain your composure and settle your thoughts. This can not only help you reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed, but it may also help you find a solution to your problems.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help.

It can be hard to admit that you have trouble dealing with a situation or your feelings. Be kind to yourself and remember that it is okay to get overwhelmed. Reach out to a friend or family member and let them know that you struggle. Sometimes just a simple conversation is enough to reduce stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed. If needed, you can even seek professional help from a therapist. They can teach you coping skills that you can use daily to manage your feelings.