The Best Brain Foods for Eating Your Way Smarter

When you think of becoming smarter, you probably think about studying hard, doing lots of math, and generally putting in time and effort. But what if I told you that you could get more intelligent by eating? We all love eating, so in theory, this should be no hardship at all. But if you choose your foods wisely, you’ll find it can significantly affect your brain function and overall mental performance…

So, without further ado, here are some of the top brain foods…

Oily Fish

Oily fish is crucial for optimum brain health. Why? Because it contains omega 3 fatty acids. This benefits our brain in two ways. Firstly, omega 3 fatty acids can be used to build cell walls, and it is incorporated into their formulation, which replaces lesser materials. In turn, this results in brain cells that are more flexible, more fluid, and less likely to become damaged. Better yet, this also increases ‘cell membrane permeability. In simple English, this means that neurotransmitters, nutrients, and critical signals will pass through the cell walls more efficiently, allowing for speedier transmissions and improved communication across synapses.

On top of all this, omega 3 fatty acid also fights inflammation. Inflammation is a big deal in the brain, where pro-inflammatory cytokines can cause severe damage if left to their own devices. Brain inflammation is probably responsible for brain fog, so this is a quick and effective brain upgrade.


Eggs contain all of the essential amino acids that humans need to thrive, and this means that it has all the proteins used to build muscle, skin, bone, and neurochemicals. 

But what eggs also contain is choline. Choline is a chemical precursor to acetylcholine, meaning that it is what the brain uses to synthesize that ingredient. This is important because acetylcholine is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain alongside glutamate. This means it is used in many essential operations and particularly when it comes to memory!


Avocado is a healthy saturated fat, essential because the brain is primarily made from fat, and it’s also another source of omega 3 fatty acid. But what is most exciting of all is that it contains lutein – a carotenoid that used to be known primarily for its eye-health benefits but which has since come to be seen as a powerful cognitive enhancer and energy booster!

The Power of Flow and How to Access It

In neuroscience, the concept of ‘flow’ is currently all the rage.

Flow describes a specific mental state that focuses intensely on a single task or subject matter. In this state, time will appear to dilate and slow around us, giving us more time to react and improving our performance significantly. At the same time, we become faster at solving problems and responding, and we can completely block out all distracting thoughts and temptations.

So, what is this ‘flow’ precisely, and how does it come about?

Flow Explained

Flow is a specific mental state, much like the ‘fight or flight’ puts us into a particular state of mind. A flow state is very similar to the fight or flight response, with the primary difference being that fight or flight makes us more panicked and distracted, whereas flow is slightly calmer and more positive.

However, both states are triggered by a sense of danger and importance. When the body detects that it is in danger or working toward an essential goal, it will produce chemicals such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and cortisol. These increase the heart rate, contract the muscles, and generally make us more alert and ready for action.

The difference is that a flow state also produces serotonin (the feel-good hormone) and anandamide (the ‘bliss’ hormone). This makes the sensation far more euphoric and makes us more creatively inclined. In other words: this is danger/importance with enjoyment and excitement.

Common ‘triggers’ of flow states include surfing, snowboarding, and sports. This is any moment you have lost track of time and what you are and instead begun to move purely through space without distraction.

This can also happen when you’re performing in a band, and you become ‘one with the music.’ Or when you’re engaged in a fascinating discussion, and you lose all track of time.

How to Access Flow

So how do you access this tremendous mental state and find your flow? The answer is that it requires you to focus 100% on what you’re doing by building up its importance in your mind. Using meditation can help you improve your focus while practising CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) can change how you feel about different activities.

Ultimately though, you have to remind yourself why what you’re doing is essential and to engage at that moment fully. Only then can you tap into your flow!