Tips to Help You Improve Your Skills of Persuasion

Persuasion is an effective way to convince others to share your beliefs or purchase a product. While everyone has at least a small amount of persuasive power, most can benefit from learning to be more persuasive. It is a great way to be more effective in business and life without learning a new skill. If you are interested in learning how to boost your persuasive powers, we are here to help.

Speak to reach the Golden Question

When speaking to a person or even a crowd, the best way to be persuasive is by focusing on value more than length. The more you talk, the fewer people will focus on your words, so it will eventually stop being persuasive no matter how important your speech may be. You want to limit your speech to trigger your listeners to ask you “how.” How do they work with you, purchase your products, or do what you are explaining? When your audience asks for more information, you know you have them hooked.

Don’t Freeze Up with Persuasion Paralysis.

Persuasion Paralysis can take away from those trying to implement or use authentic persuasion. This generally occurs when you give your audience too many choices, even those you may support. When there are too many choices available, it can be difficult or even impossible to make a decision. When trying to persuade your audience to take any action, it is best to give them two, or at the most, three choices that all lead to your goal. For example, if you want someone to purchase a ball that you have for sale, don’t offer them a balloon, a toy, a ball, or a car. This will give them an abundance of options, only one of which you want. Instead, ask them which of the three colors of the ball they would like. They still get to choose, but the choices are limited to your end goal.

Use Your Words to Trigger Action

Always use clear and concise language. Be sure of what you want before you start talking. Get rid of options from your communication and instead use action words that have a purpose. Know what you want, what you have to offer, and what you want your listener to do before you start talking. Once you do start your pitch, insert action words like “let’s get started” and “the next step for you,” or even, “this is where you need to sign.” Action words and phrases remove doubt and indecision by focusing on your audience’s next steps.