Top Office Exercises to Help You Stay Healthy

When you work in an office or even at home, you spend a lot of time sitting behind a computer. Too much time sitting can lead to diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure, and many other alarming conditions. Moving your body regularly even though you sit behind a desk is an excellent way to mitigate many of the side effects of working at a desk for long hours. Here are a few simple exercises you can do from the comfort of your chair to get started.

Shoulder Shrug

For those who spend a great deal of time typing, tension and stress can build up in the neck and shoulders. Also, hunching is a real problem for those who spend a great deal of time behind their desk. You can get your shoulder and neck muscles moving with some simple should shrug that you can do in your office or front of your desk at home.

Start by rolling your shoulders upwards towards your ears. Then, squeeze them together tightly. Try not to clench your teeth, and remember to breathe. Hold this position for two or three seconds and then release. Repeat for at least 15 repetitions.

Neck Stretch

When you sit for long hours in front of a desk, it can lead to tension in the neck, and this tension can trigger headaches and cause pain to travel along your upper back. Most people’s heads weigh an average of 10 pounds, which you are balancing at angle hours on end.

While sitting, extend your hands downwards and grasp the sides of your chair with one hand. Then, with a gentle motion, tilt your head to the opposite side and pull gently. You should feel a stretching sensation along the side of your shoulder and neck. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then repeat on the other side—complete 12 reps.

Hamstring Chair Stretch

Do you notice a tightness in your lower legs when you walk or traverse the stairs? If so, chances are your hamstrings have tightened up due to extended amounts of time spent in your chair. There is an easy fix to help loosen them up and restore mobility. While in your chair, extend your legs out straight. Then, bend down, folding your body towards your ankles. Maintain a straight back while lending and hold the position for about 25 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat five times.