Zero Hour

Zero Hour

by Harry S Dent Jr. and Andrew Pancholi.

A guide to protect your investments and prosper in the age of anti-globalist backlash.

Why won’t the most-hyped technologies of recent years (self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain) won’t pay off until the 2030s, along with the best investment strategies to profit from them. 

Zero Hour

Here are the Top Ten Lessons:

1.      The world is entering a period of great upheaval.

2.      The global economy is slowing down.

3.      The US economy is in trouble.

4.      The US stock market is overvalued.

5.      The US dollar is overvalued.

6.      Gold is a good investment.

7.      Real estate is a good investment.

8.      Emerging markets are a good investment.

9.      Technology stocks are not a good investment.

10.  Bonds are not a good investment.

Andrew Pancholi
Harry S Dent

                                                              Andrew Pancholi                   &                                 Harry s Dent 

Summary – What is this book really all about:

The book “Zero Hour” by Harry S Dent Jr and Andrew Pancholi offers an insightful guide on how to protect your investments and prosper in the age of anti-globalist backlash. It provides an overview of the current state of the global economy and offers investment strategies that can help you profit from it. The book also explains why some of the most-hyped technologies of recent years won’t pay off until the 2030s and why gold, real estate, and emerging markets are good investments while technology stocks and bonds are not.

What to know more about ;

Harry s Dent Jr –

Andrew Pancholi –

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